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Makale 16: Remoting Objelerinin Yaşam Süreleri

Giriş .NET Remoting uygulamaları üzerinde bulunan, yani Marshal-by-reference tipindeki, remote object’ler Remoting server üzerinde belirli bir süre boyunca tutulurlar ve bu süre sponsorlar ve lease manager tarafından belirlenir. Sponsorlar System.Runtime.Remoting.Lifetime.ISponsor interface’ini implement eden remotable type’lardır. Lease manager ise System.Runtime.Remoting.Lifetime.ILease interface’ini implement eden ve tek görevi remote object’in ne kadar süre memory üzerinde tutulacağı ile ilgili işlemlerin yönetimi olan object’leri ve...


DevReach 2008

One more DevReach event is gonna be held in Sofia between 13-14 October. This year, Gökşin BAKIR from Türkiye will also be giving a session. If anyone from Türkiye would like to join the event, please contact me or Gökşin. Dear Partners, It is our pleasure to invite you at DevReach 2008. This premier developer conference was first organized in...


ASP.NET AJAX 4.0 CodePlex Preview 1

ASP.NET AJAX 4.0 Preview 1 was released on July 21. This release contains a preview version of the following features (that are also described in our Roadmap document: * Client-side template rendering * Declarative instantiation of behaviors and controls * DataView control * Markup extensions * Bindings One good news for JSON lovers, this is from release notes: In...


ISBN: 978-605-106-008-8

I think I could not have found a better subject. Our first book written by Turkish MVPs is published now! First of all, I want to thank everybody from Microsoft Turkey and Turkish MVPs who supported us for the whole project time. And even though I am not really successful with translating names, it is something like “The Most Valuable...


INETA Summer Hit 2008

INETA Summer Hit 2008 is a local event that will be held in Istanbul on 2-3 August. I will be giving a session about Web Client Software Factory. Location: Yildiz Technical University, Auditorium Registration: The complete list of speakers and the schedule is below. Speakers Ali Riza Babaoglan Ali Server Eyupoglu Coskun Sunali Daron Yondem Eralp Erat Kadir Camoglu...


CodeCamp Bulgaria

I had a cool weekend in Borovec (somewhere an hour away from Sofia) with community guys/girls from Bulgaria. My session was about Web Client Software Factory. Sorry for not writing earlier and inviting, I will be more careful with my sessions in the future. Some pictures from the event can be seen at CodeCamp Bulgaria, July 2008 Gallery


Makale 15: Remoting Uygulamalarında Hata Ayıklamak

Remoting server’ı çoğu durumda üzerinde çalıştığınız bilgisayar üzerinde bulunmayacaktır. Bunun yerine daha güçlü ve stabil server’lar üzerinde çalışmaları tercih edilecektir. Bu da büyük bir ihtimalle server üzerinde Visual Studio’yu install edemeyeceğiniz anlamına gelmektedir. .NET uygulamalarının remote debugging yöntemi ile debug edilebilmesi için uygulamanın çalıştığı bilgisayar üzerinde Remote Debugging Components olarak adlandırılan add-on’ların kurulu olması gerekmektedir. Bu add-on’lar Visual Studio’nun kurulu...


Using DataPager with Code-Behind Data Source

Some of you might have already realized that DataPager does its job only if you use a DataSource control. For instance, if you want to set a ListView’s DataSource property in page’s Load event and expect DataPager control to successfully page the ListView control, it means that you will need to spend your hours to find why it does not...


SharePoint Developer Introduction for .NET Developers launched

The new material is designed to help .NET Developers to learn the top ten artifacts in SharePoint that are interesting to them. Microsoft has created a variety of materials with different learning styles to make getting started with these artifacts easy and it’s all based on the Visual Studio extensions for SharePoint – planned to release v1.2 for Visual Studio...


Mobile development blog

Kivanc Ozuolmez is an another Turkish MVP who blogs in English. If you are interested in mobile technologies and mobile development, don’t forget to subscribe to his blog to catch the latest news and stuff about mobile technologies.