ISBN: 978-605-106-008-8
I think I could not have found a better subject. Our first book written by Turkish MVPs is published now!
First of all, I want to thank everybody from Microsoft Turkey and Turkish MVPs who supported us for the whole project time.
And even though I am not really successful with translating names, it is something like “The Most Valuable Experiences To The Way of Solution By Turkish MVPs”. Indeed, it is a long one.
Unfortunately, the book does not have an English version. So, the rest of the post is in Turkish for Turkish readers.
Türkçe olarak da desteği bulunan herkese teşekkür etmekle başlamak istiyorum. Çiğdem Akın, Mehmet Emre, Baransel Doğan, Kadir Çamoğlu, tüm editörler ve tüm yazarlara. Hep birlikte böyle bir projeden alnımızın akıyla çıkmak son derece mutluluk verici. Devamı dilekleriyle…
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