Giriş Geliştirdiğimiz uygulamaların birbirleri ile iletişime neden ihtiyaç duyacakları, uygulamaların birbirleri ile iletişim kurabilmek için hangi opsiyonlara sahip oldukları gibi soruların üzerinde yoğunlaşacağımız bu bölümde aynı zamanda uygulamalarımızı .NET Remoting kullanabilmeleri için nasıl configure edebileceğimizi ve configuration parametrelerinin neler olduğunu detaylı bir şekilde inceleyeceğiz. Bu chapter sonunda aşağıdaki konular hakkında bilgi sahibi olacağız; Application Domain oluşturabilecek ve bu application domain...
I felt like developing my first Live Writer plugin last night then I checked this page to see if someone requests any useful plug-in that I would like to spend my time developer. There were a few ideas about <pre> tag. I thought that it was a good idea to develop such a plugin to insert any tag snippet at...
Martin has told me a lot about Windows Live Writer and I wanted to give it a try. The UI looks perfect, it supports a lot of blog types and most importantly, it doesn’t need you to make a lot of experimental settings. What I did to set it up was just writing my blog’s URL, username and password. I...
This is not a recent news, Visual Web Developer 2008 Express Edition and Visual C# 2008 Express Editions have been available for download for a long time and as you know, they are for FREE. I just wanted to confirm that all my visitors are aware of this news. Product links: Visual Web Developer 2008 Express Edition Visual C# 2008...
If you need to divide the web.config or app.config file into pieces for any reason – imagine you just don’t like a lot of settings of components that you will never need to change – it is even possible in .NET. The only thing you have to find out is how to use “ConfigSource” property of System.Configuration.SectionInformation (MSDN: Contains metadata...
I know that we all have been waiting for this great news for a long time. Now you can download symbols for .NET Framework source code and you can see or even debug the framework’s itself. ScottGu has a long post describing how you can access this feature in Visual Studio 2008. This is what he says: Last October I...
If you are not a first time visitor of my blog, you may have already realized that I started to post in English instead of Turkish. I even changed the language of the navigation and pages – ok, most of them. It was not so easy to take the decision to change the mother language of my blog. But I...
If .NET Framework insist on not telling you what the exception was then you have to start checking Context.AllErrors. I wanted to check what can be the reason to make GetLastError() method angry with myself and tried search engines to see what other people say about it. Most of the people keep writing that GetLastError method of Server object returns...
After finishing a project and deploying it on a public server, it is normal that you expect some problems or to-dos like some configuration changes in “web.config” file or somewhere else if you preferred implementing your own configuration architecture. The question is that if you would expect something to break depending on your choice of deployment, e.g. Precompiled deployment or...
Değerli arkadaşlarımın da katkıda bulunduğu DevTr‘deki yazılara göz atarken çok güzel bir video paylaşımına denk geldim. Başlığı da değiştirmeden, aflarına sığınarak video’yu sizinle paylaşıyorum. Dilerseniz yazının orjinal halini de!9DB6E0C68D0E8C29!219.entry adresinde okuyabilirsiniz. Video: Turkey LSE Summary