DevReach 2009

DevReach 2009 is going to take place in Sofia, Bulgaria on 12-13 October. I, personally, suggest you having a look at the schedule and if there is any possibility, do not miss the chance to join it!

For further information, please follow Martin Kulov’s blog. The following is a quote from his blog.

It is less than two months when DevReach 2009 will happen again in Sofia, Bulgaria. This is the forth edition of the wonderful conference gathering so many internationally recognized Microsoft Regional Directors, MVPs, INETA and TechEd speakers.

The event will take place on 12-13th of October, in Arena Cinema Mladost, Sofia. We have selected this place in order to allow even more attendees than the last year. However keep in mind that space is still limited and we are expecting even more people to come, so make sure to reserve your seat in good time.

More than 44 sessions presented by more than 20 speakers in not less than 22 hours overall experience spanning in 2 days and 4 tracks. Many new things are still to come in the schedule. They will be announced here very soon.

In a follow up series of posts on my blog, I will try to highlight some of the new speakers that are coming this year. I hope this will give you better idea of how we change the schedule every single year to accommodate your needs.

Meanwhile – do not miss the 20% discount until 15th of September. Check Registration page for more information of different benefits and passes.

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5 Responses

  1. Cengiz says:

    Seminerler nasıl oluyor? Sofya yakın atlayıp gelelim, sonra da Sofya’yı gezeriz :) Visa olayı nasıl bizim için? Schengen istiyorlar değil mi?

  2. Coskun SUNALI says:

    Seminerler konusunda uzman kisilerce veriliyor. Zaten ajandaya baktiginda konusmacilari gorebilirsin. Ayrica MVP’lere ozel indirimler soz konusu, bunu ayrica mail atabilirim. Visa konusunda da Microsoft Bulgaristan’dan yardim alabiliyoruz davetiye gonderilmesi icin. Schengen istemiyorlar, henuz Schengen toplulugunda degiller. Gelme imkanin olursa da basimin ustunde yerin var her zaman. Gezeriz tabiki. :)

  3. Cengiz says:

    Konuşmacılar içinde birisi var görüşürüz falan diyorduk dün akşam iyi denk geldi:) ulaşım için ne yapmalı sence? arabayala mı gelsem diye düşünüyorum yol arkadaşı falan bulursam:)

  4. Coskun SUNALI says:

    Harika. Araba biraz masrafli olabilir. Polis yabanci plakalari sikca durduruyor diye duyuyorum. Ayrica geldigin sure boyunca da uluslararasi sigorta yaptirman gerekiyor. Ucak veya otobusle gelmek en mantiklisi derim.

  5. waiting for DevReach 2010

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